Create Custom Progress Report Profiles
1. An Administrator would like to run a progress report
2. A Teacher would like to run a progress report
The Progress Report is available to both Administrators and Teachers and, while it is located in a slightly different place, functions exactly the same.
If you're logged into Gradelink as an Administrator, you can access the Progress Report by going to the Administrator Reports tab and clicking on the "Progress Reports" button, located in the "Students" section:
If you're logged into Gradelink as a Teacher, you'll instead go to the Reports tab and click on the "Progress Reports" button located in the "Class" section:
The actual process for running a Progress Report is exactly the same for Administrators and Teachers with one exception: Teachers do not have the ability to create Report Profiles. For information about Progress Report Profiles, please click here.

First, enter a Report Title. This will appear at the top of the Progress Report, and is typically something like, “Progress Report 2015-2016”. Then, you'll need to select the Student or Students you’d like to run the Progress Report for.
- Individual: allows you to run a Progress Report for individual Students.
- Class: allows you to select a specific class and run Progress Reports for all Students that are populated into that class.
- Grade Level: allows you to select a specific grade level and run Progress Reports for all Students that belong to that grade level.
Check any additional items that you would like to display on your Progress Reports using the boxes below. For your convenience, the box labeled "Select typical options" enables the most commonly used settings. Additionally, Administrators can save specific configurations as a Report Profile. That way, the next time they need to generate a Progress Report, they can quickly and easily select the same options that were used previously. For more information about Progress Report Profiles, please click here.
When you're done customizing the report, click Submit.