1. How do I adjust the column break?
2. There is a super long column on my report card, how do I fix this?
If you have a report card with classes separated into two or more columns, it may sometimes look like the columns aren't 'balanced' based on the number of classes.
Gradelink gives schools the ability to configure the "Column Break", which tells Gradelink where to end one column and start another.
To do so, simply follow the process described below:
- First, right click (or CTRL+Click on a Mac) on the name of the Class that you want the column to 'break' on. In other words, right click on the Class that you would like to appear at the top of the second column. A confirmation window should appear.
2. Click OK to confirm that you want to break on this column and then click OK again to get rid of the message.
3. Finally, hit Refresh at the top of the page.
It's important to note that Column Breaks are part of the Report Card Profile and therefore, when you make changes using this process you will make changes to the Profile. Report Card Profiles are shared among all Administrators and Teachers are the school, so if may be helpful to create a copy of an existing Profile first and then make your adjustments. This way, you won't impact other users attempting to generate Report Cards.