Students who wish to apply for scholarships & grants offered by the department of public instruction (DPI) in South Carolina must have a transcript that meets the following conditions.
- The final GPA on a senior's transcript must be calculated after their graduation data and before June 15th
- The date which the GPA was calculated needs to be displayed on the transcript
- A valid signature
- Somewhere on the page, include the text "Final Transcript" and include a reference as to which years the SC UGP GPA and 10-Point Uniform Grading Scale have been used.
- Class Rank is optional
1. The final GPA on a senior's transcript must be calculated after their graduation data and before June 15th
This requires two dates to be in Gradelink - the graduation date and the date the GPA was calculated. Since Gradelink calculates the final GPA every time you product a transcript, you only need to product the transcript after the graduation date and before 6/15.
To include the student's graduation data on the transcript click the Students tab, select a student and enter their graduation date.

2. The date which the GPA was calculated needs to be displayed on the transcript
To include the text, "Transcript GPA calculated on", click the Transcript tab then Transcript Options then Manage Report Profiles.

Select a profile. Change the label marked "Transcript Date Field Text" to "Transcript GPA Calculated On" by clicking the Edit and Save buttons.

3. Include a Valid signature
A signature line will automatically appear in the bottom right of every transcript.
Optionally, you can include the printed name and title of the individual who is signing the transcript. To do this go to the Transcript tab then Transcript Options then Manage Report Profiles. Enter the name and title of the person.

4. Somewhere on the page, include the text, "Final Transcript" and include a reference as to which years the SC UGP GPA and 10-Point Uniform Grading Scale have been used.
To show Class Rank click the Transcript tab then Transcript Options and select "Show Class Rank".