Learn more about the Sync at PaySimple.com.The integration between PaySimple and QuickBooks Online allows you to keep your books up-to-date by passing Transaction data over automatically in real time.  Customer information is also kept up-to-date as records are created or updated. This sync activity helps improve the accuracy of your data and minimizes the time spent entering duplicate information.  

Control over sync behavior allows you to choose how the information is transferred and gives you the ability to match data from one system to another based on your current settings

Frequently Asked Questions

Which versions of QuickBooks are supported?

Currently, only QuickBooks Online is supported. Learn more about the Sync.

What do I need to get started?

In order to activate the integration, you'll need an activated PaySimple account, and at least a free trial of QuickBooks Online.  Your Intuit QuickBooks login will be required to begin the set-up process.

How much does it cost to integrate PaySimple and Quickbooks?

The integration is free.

Why should I integrate PaySimple and Quickbooks?

Double-entering data is a time-consuming and frustrating process. Enabling the integration will allow PaySimple to update QuickBooks automatically as information is created or modified, keeping data across the two systems in sync. The time savings that result will eliminate man hours from your budget and ensure accurate data is available in both systems, minimizing data entry errors.

Does PaySimple charge transaction fees before or after the deposit is made?

PaySimple's transaction fees are deducted after the transaction is completed but before the end of your billing term. For example, if a student pays you $100 with a $3 transaction fee, you will receive $103 in your bank account rather than $97. Before the end of your PaySimple payment cycle, you will get an invoice for any transaction fees incurred during that period. The invoice will be from PaySimple, not Gradelink, and the amount payable to PaySimple will be withdrawn directly from your bank account, eliminating the need to send a check to PaySimple.

Will my bank account display a bulk sum or transactions by payee?

Your bank account will reflect a lump sum deposit every day.

Will Quickbooks Show the Payments Per Payer or a Lump Sum?

Quickbooks will show payments per payer - not a lump sum. When a payment is made in Gradelink, the payment record will appear in Quickbooks under the payer's name. If PaySimple does not find the payer in your QuickBooks accounts, the payer will automatically added as a new contact. 

If my bank account shows lump sum deposits and my Quickbooks account shows deposits per payee, how do I reconcile this?

Divide the lump sum deposit into multiple transactions, allocating specific amounts to each payee based on the information you gathered.

Example #1, If you receive a $1000 deposit from customers A, B, and C, you would:

Split the deposit into three transactions in QuickBooks:

  • $400 from Customer A 
  • $300 from Customer B
  • $300 from Customer C

Example #2, If you receive a $1000 deposit from customers A, B, and C, you would:

Split the deposit into three billing categories in QuickBooks:

  • $400 for Tuition 
  • $300 for Activities
  • $300 for Registration

Match these transactions with the individual deposits on your bank statement and mark them as reconciled.

I want my Quickbooks to show Lump Sum instead of individual payments. How can I get this?

If you want your Quickbooks account to show the total income per category (eg. total tuition per month) and not show individual transactions per family, do not use the Quickbooks integration. 

In your Gradelink account, you can gather the total income per billing category (ie, tuition, registration fees, discounts) from Graelink and manually enter them into Quickbooks. 

Go to Financial > View/Export > Billing Transactions

Filter the date range and transaction type. The total income will appear at the bottom.

Go to Financial > Reports > Acct. Detail Balances

Filter the Session (fiscal year), billing period (month) or custom date range. The total income per billing category will appear at the bottom.

How to Integrate Quickbooks PaySimple

Read documentation found on PaySimple's website.

Don't Have PaySimple? 

Click here to sign up or contact Gradelink to to get started!